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Plant Dietas and Immersions

Connecting you and your soul with the Plant Spirit in an ancient way

A Dieta or Plant Immersion is a Shamanic Plant Medicine journey, where you dedicate a specific amount of time to open yourself to a specific plant and work with them only during this time. This is a path of discipline, prayer and creating space, as you commit to giving up certain Earth things such as sugar and spice, sex, TV and  Social Media habits. In the Amazon where this path is usually trodden, a dieta will be done in total isolation. I offer isolation dietas held online or from my home in Peru, or longer lasting social dietas, also known as a dieta suave. This form of dieting allows us to continue living and working, but we still receive profound healing and effects. 


In the spirit of Ayni "sacred reciprocity", the plant gifts us with deep teachings and healings on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.


As we journey deeper within, the plant will begin to gift you with a deeper inner knowing, and help you create a friendship and ally for life with this sacred and divine plant teacher.


The process of dieta is not for the faint hearted. Sometimes you can be confronted with things that you may have buried deep within the subconscious, for many years or even lifetimes. Being by yourself and spending more time in stillness and surrender leaves room for things previously unseen to come to the surface.


It’s about learning to ride the journey unfolding with deep love and compassion for yourself.

To become a master of your own emotions and processing.

To be able to witness and name what’s being purged with grace and awareness  for yourself and others too.

Learning how to keep holding yourself sweetly and asking the plant to accompany you on this journey.​


A dieta is a deep retreat within yourself, an unfolding and rerememberance of your true essence, and an experience you will reap the benefits from for a long time to come.​​​​​​​​​


Plants Offered -







Grandmother Vine




If you are interested or called to a different plant, please reach out and I may be able to accommodate your needs

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People called to this path may be reconnecting with previous lifetimes knowledge of Druidry or Shamanic Abilities.


They may already be on a path of offering space holding for others and wanting to add another string to their bow, or on a healing journey and wanting a specific plants support in healing from certain physical or spiritual conditions.


A plant may have been visiting in dreamscape and wanting to open that connection and conversation.


What you get out of a dieta is completely different for each individual. It depends on how much dedication and time you put into the retreat, but also its worth remembering we all come to these spaces with different traumas and in different stages of our journeys. 


Some may see the plant in visions immediately, and begin to lucid dream straight away and magnify their shamanic gifts and abilities. For others, it may be a longer process, and they may be on the first layer of peeling away at their onion, their emotional, psychic and spiritual levels of trauma and pain. Some may not see the plants energy at all, but rest assured you will receive the perfect healings and teachings meant for you.


As this is a soft dieta, its advisable to take time off work if you can as you will be super open and in a different space to many people, like you are on a silent retreat. If this is not possible, you would ideally work from home and limit conversation with others. If you have children you can of course continue your daily life with them. If you are unsure of anything please contact me. 


Everyone will have different timeframes and needs. Its my hearts prayer to support you no matter how long or short you want this journey to be, and how strict or gentle you want to go. The minimum amount of dieta is 10 days, and you can extend this for up to 6 months.


I will be tuning in and singing for you throughout the process and we connect weekly or daily over Zoom calls to support the journey in whatever way you need, but ultimately the connection is between you and the Plant Spirit and your own journey.

Prices Start from $444 depending on the length of dieta and plant you work with
There is also the possibility to diet from my quiet cosy home in Sacred Valley Peru, or from the comfort of your own home in Peru where can we have in person ceremonies, fire ceremonies and healings.

Please email me to arrange a connection call to further discuss pricing and plant options best for you.

To follow the dieta -

When you sign up we will have a connection call which goes further indepth of the requirements.


None of this is absolutely essential, you have your own free will in everything you do. Although I will say, the more you sacrifice and put into this work, the more you will receive.


The biggest thing I would recommend is no pork. This is because pigs have no lymphatic system so they have no way of detoxing in the same way animals do. They also are the most similar to human energy, which can create a cannabalistic energy around you.


I would recommend beginning the diet 3 days before we begin and continuing for 3 days after we close to let the work settle.


No Sex, Masturbation or sexual thoughts

No Pork

Ideally no red meat unless you need it for health conditions. If you must eat it, please ensure organic and grass-fed

No Social Media (unless you have to for work)

No mindless TV or scrolling

No sugar, spice, overly oily foods. Use salt sparingly or none at all

No other plant use, this includes Cannabis, Tobacco, strong herbs. Please contact me if you need more guidance with this

No pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary (contact me if you need guidance) â€‹

Limiting conversation with others especially mindless chatting or gossiping, going to busy places, shopping and scrolling



Your Facilitator


"I was called to The Rose Dieta after feeling lost and having little support in my life. Although I had no expectations to meet, I knew I would feel a sense of security being a part of a sacred space with others. My experience has been soothing for my soul. I feel life isn't as heavy . I really see through a beacon of love within myself. I saw my confidence grow during each session and I felt appreciation for myself. Alex created a safe space for big  blockages to be shed to light. She emits a beautiful loving energy which made attending each session a pleasure and unmissable - I wanted to be present daily. We were free to be and feel every emotion and she was there to listen and support our individual journeys. It's been an liberating yet gentle experience working with Alexandria and the Rose Dieta." Anita

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