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Bobinsana  Dieta
Online or in Person


Bobinsana is a Master Plant teacher that is dieted with in the Peruvian Amazon. She is a sweet plant teacher who helps us get out of our heads and more into our heart space. She can help us heal emotional and physical traumas and wounds including heartbreak and grief, arthritis, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression, blocks of your psychic abilities, past life traumas and much more.  Bobinsana is one of my strongest teachers of self love, love for my clients and the world, she teaches me a lot about opening Shamanically and also how to work deeper within the Lucid Dreamscape. Many Shipibo maestro/as prescribe her as one of the first plants to diet on a Shamanic Apprenticeship, because she holds so much wisdom about holding others and yourself through deeply compassionate love and grace, but also holding that space with no fear in your heart, which is so needed on the Spaceholding path.


A Dieta is a shamanic plant medicine journey, where you dedicate a specific amount of time to open yourself to a specific plant and work with them only during this time. This is a path of discipline, prayer and sacrifice, as you commit to giving up certain Earth things such as sugar and spice, sex, TV and mindless Social Media habits. In the Amazon where this path is usually trodden, a dieta will be done in total isolation. This form of dieting we are undertaking is known as a social dieta, so allows us to continue living with family, but we still receive profound healing and effects.


In the spirit of Ayni "sacred reciprocity", the plant gifts us with deep teachings and healings on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. During the dieta old wounds, triggers, emotional traumas and blocked physical symptoms may arise within you. I hold a container of deep intergrity and understanding for however this manifests for you, and I am available for support during the experience. Ultimately though, its a deep learning for you to go through as Auntie Bobinsana holds your hand and leads you onto a journey of deeper healing and self love.


I am delighted to be able to offer the experience of a Master Plant Dieta from the comfort of your own home, or the option of me opening in person from Peru. The plants have guided me to make this offering accessible to all. When working with a Master plant from the Amazon from our home, we can undertake a "soft dieta". Instead of having the experience of being in total isolation in a hut in the jungle, you can work with the plants and still enjoy the comfort of your own home.


Bobinsana Benefits  - Strength, Flexibility, Heart Opening and Healing, opens the songbird within. Opens Shamanic Abilities, lucid dreaming, healing of womb or sexual trauma in men and women. Helps you love yourself and the world in a deeper way.  Traditional uses in the Amazon are: anti-inflammatory, contraceptive, and tonic; for arthritis, bone pain, cold and flu, edema, fatigue, rheumatism, uterine cancer, uterine disorders and water retention. 


Contraindications - used in the Amazon as a contraceptive. Speak to me if you have any concerns or are trying for a baby.


More information about the Dieta and Immersion process can be found here -​


What is a Plant Dieta​?

"It was such a blessing to take part in a dieta of Bobinsana led by Alexandria. The opportunity came to me when I was looking for help recovering after a very difficult time in my life defined by an abusive relationship and it has been exactly the medicine I needed to shift the heavy emotions I was stuck with and start healing a broken heart. Her support helped allow me to integrate the healing energy of Bobinsana in an even deeper way. The healing I've received has exceeded what I could have hoped for and I am full of gratitude!" - Shona


The process of dieta is not for the faint hearted. Sometimes you can be confronted with things that you may have buried deep within the subconscious, for many years or even lifetimes. Being by yourself and spending more time in stillness and surrender leaves room for things previously unseen to come to the surface.


It’s about learning to become a master of your own emotions and processing.

To be able to witness and name what’s being purged with deep compassion for yourself and others too.

Keep holding yourself sweetly and asking the plant to accompany you on this journey.

A dieta is a deep unfolding within, and an experience you will reap the benefits from for a long time to come.


The effects of a dieta may stay with you for the rest of your lifetime. This is not a journey to be undertaken lightly. When the plants are treated with the utmost respect and reverence, they have so much wisdom and healing they wish to gift us with. Bobinsana is regularly mixed in the Amazon with Ayahuasca brews for her stimulating and heart opening abilities. When taken alone she is not a psychedelic or psychoactive, although if you ingest her and then meditate with her Spirit some visions may emerge.

"I had no expectations of Alexandria or of Bobinsana but I decided to join just from seeing an Instagram post.
Alex described Bobinsana as being like an aunty and this really resonates with me. I felt the plants presence very non-judgemental, gentle but I felt so held. A very unique and heart opening experience.
It was quite a turbulent time for me, outside of the dieta and my wish is to do it again when I can carve more space. But even so, Something shifted in me, many downloads arrived, I made a new ally in Bobinsana and felt creatively open and inspired.
I absolutely adore Alexandria, the journey she is on and how she holds space.
So very, very thankful and highly recommend"

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who is feeling called to begin a sacred journey with a soft and gentle plant medicine

  • Those already walking the medicine path, who are wishing to connect on a deeper level with a new plant

  • If you have no prior experience to plant medicines or dieta, you are so welcome, but a capacity to sit and meet yourself and hold space for your process, whilst being part of an intimate group (or solo) where you share your truth is necessary.

  • Anyone involved in the Amazonian traditions or those who have already undertaken plant dietas

  • Those who are ready to receive profound healing and reawaken to their own hearts wisdom and magic

  • Those who feel connection and affinity to the plants and want to learn how to open a conversation in a new way


I interview all potential participants, so please reach out if you would like further information or want to find out if this is the right path for you

Bobinsana Dieta Includes -


Bobinsana leaves and bark to prepare the sacred tea


Tincture (depending which country you are based in)


Optional Sacred Vine Microdose


Channellings and Attunements


Preparation and Integration Calls


Support through Whatsapp and weekly or daily Zoom calls


All dieta preparation and instruction manuals including psychic protection guide, Flower Bath Ritual and Plant Bath guidance

Investment -

Private soft online dieta

7 days - 4 weeks

$444 - 999

Payment plans available

Or up to 6 months mentorship programme


If you are experiencing financial hardship please get in contact. I offer bursary and/or discounted places for those in serious financial difficulties as I honour the need to make this accessible to all.



In person dieta from my  home in the Sacred Valley (1-2 weeks)

Including accommodation, organic dieta friendly home cooked meals,

optional add on Ayahuasca ceremonies with a local curandera



A portion of my proceeds go directly towards Shipibo or Amazonian people in need.

To follow the dieta -

When you sign up you will receive a free guide which goes further indepth of the requirements.


None of this is absolutely essential, you have your own free will in everything you do. Although I will say, the more you sacrifice and put into this work, the more you will receive.


The biggest thing I would recommend is no pork. This is because pigs have no lymphatic system so they have no way of detoxing in the same way animals do. They also are the most similar to human energy, which can create a cannabalistic energy around you.


I would recommend beginning the diet 3 days before we begin and continuing for at least 3 days after we close to let the work settle which will be part of your post diet process.​


No Sex, Masturbation or sexual thoughts

No Pork

Ideally no red meat unless you need it for health conditions. If you must eat it, please ensure organic and grass-fed

No Social Media (unless you have to for work)

No mindless TV or scrolling

No sugar, spice, overly oily foods. Use salt sparingly or none at all

No other plant use, this includes Cannabis, Tobacco, strong herbs. Please contact me if you need more guidance with this

No pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary (contact me if you need guidance) â€‹

Limiting conversation with others especially mindless chatting or gossiping, going to busy places, shopping and scrolling



Your Facilitator

wild bobinsana
Alexandria Rose
I have been working with the sacred plants of South America for 15 years and been a physic and channel since birth as a second generation medium. I have spent time in the Amazon Jungle with the Yawanawa, Noke Koi and Shipibo tribes, and have undertaken Bobinsana, Noya Rao, Cacao, Rose and various other plant Dietas and initiation with Hape snuff medicine. I have held over 100+ dietas for Men and Women around the world, in person and online, and I channel messages and icaros from the plants directly with a soft feminine touch. Working with Christ Conciousness energy, I endeavour to help uplifting all to reach higher levels of bliss and empowerment within themselves. As a devotee of the plants I trust Bobinsanas wisdom and I follow exactly how she tells me to hold space and guide people in ceremony.

Please contact me for arranging a private online soft dieta, a inperson Peru diet, or if you want to collaborate to have a online group or bring a group to Peru


I also sell Bobinsana Tinctures on my Etsy store if you are feeling called to work with her in a microdose setting 

"Through the dieta Bobinsana has provided guidance, support and beautifully gentle reminders of how to open the heart, love myself and live from that place. Coming out of living from a place of fear, this is a colossal shift. Whilst it is a soft dieta, it is also profound and the the guidance and care of Alexandria throughout the process was equal to the potency of Bobinsana. She held space for the group to support everyone in their personal journeys, with a tenderness and fierce love that's rare to find."

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